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Striking a Balance: The Urgent Need for Effective AI Regulations

The grown up Artificial Intelligence known as Artificial General Intelligence has recently fuelled the never ending debate on effects of machines superseding humans. Good or bad these are unavoidable and hence demand regulatory sandboxes along with R&D.

How to identify a completely evolved AGI/AI? What’s the actual matter of contention in regulating them?

The Coffee test

AGI is not just the wider application of AI while it marks the difference with its non-programmed learning and performing ability. For instance, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an early form of AGI. One among the experiments to identify a completely evolved AI is ‘the Coffee test’ put forward by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The report Architecture of Human-Like General Intelligence by Goertzel et al describes it as a test to find if a machine can do the following tasks.

... go into an average American household and figure out how to make coffee, including identifying the coffee machine, figuring out what the buttons do, finding the coffee cabinet, etc.

No bot so far has widely been accepted to have passed this!

AI Control problem

These exciting human made creatures are considered to be a threat though (E.g. lethal autonomous weapon systems). Tech CEOs like Musk (Tesla) and Altman(OpenAI) calls for an internationally coordinated regulatory framework for generative AI, some like Brian(Intel) says its too early. Meanwhile European Union has passed a landmark bill on comprehensive AI regulation recently. Guidance for regulation of AI by US quotes flexible performance based laws must consider the health,safety,privacy,transperancy and such other values as parameters. Non regulatory approaches such as voluntary consensus standards were also mentioned in it. On the other hand innovative solutions like ‘AI Nanny’ to keep things under control are being discussed. Some nations like India plays a neutral role considering the potential that can be leveraged from AI and so takes a slow path on law making.

Hard regulations on the nascent technology might cripple it. However soft legislations with ethical sense have become indispensable in disciplining our new humanoid friends.

Read More from Keerthi Yazhni

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