Looking for to replace your headphones ? Best offers for the season on Amazon right now ! Amazon’s Republic Day sale is now on ! Get the bang for the buck headphones right here !
Budget Wired Headphones
Honor AM115 – INR 299
This is the most valued headphone you can buy at this price. With its ergonomic design, much like the Apple EarPods – this is makes it one of the comfortable headphone at this price. Sound quality is equally excellent for headphones at this price range.
Budget Over Ear Headphones
Sony MDR-ZX110AP – INR 1,399
This is by far the best over ear headphone you can get at this price range. When you look at over ear headphones, you have to consider two things. 1. Sound Quality, Obvious. 2. Comfort and Build quality. When you are wearing over ear headphones for a long time, some headphones feel heavy on your head and ear, making them very uncomfortable for to wear for long hours. This headphone meets both of the criteria. Its sound quality and comfort are on point.
If you are looking for a more budget option, check out this model – same sound quality but this model does not have a mic.
Sony MDR-ZX110A – INR 649 – Get it now on Amazon
Budget Bluetooth Headphone

I am not a fan of earphones with earbuds. It does not fit tight on my ear and I feel uncomfortable using most of them. I love headphones with ergonomic designs much like EarPods. Also, when it comes to Bluetooth headphones, I love headphones that comes with a charging case. It makes carrying them much easier. Both Realme and One Plus Buds Z offers excellent music quality for the price with difference being in their battery life. If you are looking for ones with longer battery life, then One Plus Buds Z is your headphone of choice.
Realme Buds- Get it on Amazon
OnePlus Buds Z – Get it on Amazon

But, do mind that these headphones have little listening time, and would have to charge your earphones every 4 hours. If you are looking for some earphones with longer listening time, My choice would be Sony WI-C200.
Sony WI-C200 – INR 1,699 – Get it on Amazon
Over ear Bluetooth headphone of choice would be Senheisser HD350BT offering both comfort and quality music.
Budget Noise Cancelling Headphones
This is a tough fight actually. If you are looking for cheapest headphones with good sound quality and comfort, you have to go with Senheisser HD 4.50SE BT NC. But, if you are under a tight budget, and looking for some decent pair of noise cancelling headphones, JBL 750 BTNC offers you one of the best bang for the buck headphone at INR 5000 price range.
Senheisser HD 4.50SE BT NC – INR 8,990 – Get it on Amazon
JBL 750 BT NC – INR 5,799 – Get in on Amazon
Best Noise Cancelling Headphones for the money
If you are a heavy audiophile and want no short than the best noise quality headphone is the market, get your hands on Sony WH-1000MX3 for less than 20000 INR. If you are a Bose guy looking for some light comfortable earphones with leather padding, you can get Bose QuiteComfort 35 II at INR 23000 right now.
Sony WH-1000MX3 – INR 18,990 – Get it on Amazon
Bose QuiteComfort 35 II – INR 23,490 – Get it on Amazon
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